Já tinha feito um outro quadro, com a minha mulher na mesma posição, a cores, pintado a pastel, mas como uma vizinha amiga teve que se ausentar...de férias...deixou-nos a cargo um gato...GORDO...e o bichano deu-lhe na tola que queria seguir artes, e estreiou-se no quadro a cores...digamos que as cores foram alteradas...com cheiro....
Nesse dia, juro, olhava pró gato e prás janelas de casa...."ah gato,gatinho"
This painting was a gift to my wife in 2006. Pastel in card paper. Its in black and white, but her eyes are painted in blue, lips in red, some stricks of her hair are brown and yellow.
I did this painting in B&W, beacuse when I did one in color it had a terrible accident...When I finished the colored one, I layed it on bed, a friend of us had this big cat and this BIG cat saw the painting and ...pissssssssssed on it......
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